• Business & Marketing Analytic Centre
  • Market Analysis Brasil
    • Market Analysis Brasil
    • Market Analysis Brasil

    • We - Market Analysis Brasil, based in Florianopolis, Brazil - are an independent research firm with a vast array of experience in successfully conducting challenging market and opinion research in Brazil and Latin America. Established in 1997, with over 1,000 projects as background, we have made of flexibility, effectiveness and complete dedication to the needs of our clients our core practices to accomplish best results.
  • Markwald, La Madrid y Asociados SRL
  • Probe Srl
    • Probe Srl
    • Probe Srl

    • Probe is an Italian institute that was born in Milan in 1997 as a group of research professionals: since then it has been evolving within quantitative and qualitative research fields.
  • Wilson Qualitative Research Consultants (WQRC)
    • Wilson Qualitative Research Consultants (WQRC)
    • Wilson Qualitative Research Consultants (WQRC)

    • WQRC is a predominantly qualitative full service outfit with an accumulated experience covering the widest spectrum of themes and industries, in both BtoB and consumer fields. WQRC takes pride in being a dedicated 'hands-on' partner dedicated in helping clients approach and understand the French market. Pulling from 25+ years of practice, WQRC offers real marketing expertise and added-value, helping brands not only capture but also comprehend what is in the French user and consumer's minds. Click Here to Send Inquiry