• Data Capture
    • Data Capture
    • Data Capture

    • The data-capture service ranges from basic programming of online questionnaires to advanced customisation of the application. This service is available regardless of whether you use your own platform or that of a third party. The service maximises the potential of any online data collection application.
  • Sample Sourcing
    • Sample Sourcing
    • Sample Sourcing

    • Are you looking for a sample source to help recruit those hard-to-find respondents? We will search for a supplier to help you with the required contact details. Actual recruitment remains in the hands of your chosen fieldwork resource or clients can handle this themselves.
  • Simultaneous Online Translation
    • Simultaneous Online Translation
    • Simultaneous Online Translation

    • With international qualitative studies you may launch a survey that deploys local moderators to conduct focus groups or in-depth interviews in a language that your project team may not understand. The research architecture could be such that the team need to be able to intervene or support the moderator when such online discussions through web streaming are in progress and to this end, the team members need a simultaneous translator in order to follow the discussion.We can help source professional translators with experience in market research and the industry sector the survey deals who can translate the discussions at the standard you require.
  • Translation Services
    • Translation Services
    • Translation Services

    • A poorly translated questionnaire confuses respondents who may either not understand the question and/or pre-coded answers or who simply get the wrong end of the stick. Either way, the results of the survey will be questionable. Professional translators should be responsible for this task, rather than a member of the field team allowed to dabble in translation work. If you have this need, we can help you find the right translator who is familiar with the colloquial language your target audience speaks and who have experience in the industry sector your survey studies.