Outsourcing MR Works Globally

World Research Alliance (WRA) is a global outsourcing platform for the market research industry.  Our mission is to provide cost-effective one-stop solutions by sourcing capabilities from almost any corner of the world for research buyers in a transparent manner.

We connect research buyers with service providers from a network of nearly 6,000 agencies and freelancers worldwide to fulfill any research related task – no matter how small or big – in a modular fashion from simple translation work to complex statistical analysis and reporting.  A sought-after service concerns the outsourcing of fieldwork simply because rates in anyone country can vary outrageously and/or research buyers are unfamiliar with service providers in a country;  not knowing which are reliable or not.  We ensure to source those that are trustworthy and offer better value.

The modular approach means that research buyers can combine services from different providers into one project, selected based on capability, experience and pricing level.  Aside from  fieldwork, there are several countries where supporting research services such as secondary research, programming/hosting questionnaires, translations, transcriptions and data processing can be considerably more cost-effective than in the research buyers’ home country.  WRA expedites overall coordination, but research buyers can communicate directly with the different contributing parties, who – as a matter of principle – cannot sub-contract responsibilities.

Within the network, WRA subscribers receive priority in bidding for projects.  Suppliers that contribute to projects abide by a strict code of ethics, but without relying on a simple pledge to do so only.  WRA’s independent QA team audits and verifies performance to ensure work is in accordance with the required standard, and therefore quality assurance goes beyond lip service.  WRA is responsible for delivering the top-notch service clients deserve even if this means replacing survey contributors whose performance is not up the mark.

There is no denying that with globalisation outsourcing has become increasingly popular. But there are some who are confused about the practice with a negative perception. They believe that the motive for outsourcing is purely to cut costs by accepting lower quality and handing over control.

WRA’s view is that outsourcing plays a significant role in keeping a company’s operations cost effective, but not at all at the expense of quality. On the contrary. WRA’s services allow research buyers to draw on capabilities that they may not have at all or not at the required standard internally, and the resources we manage fully integrate in the client’s operations for the duration of an assignment.

Outsourcing is an effective means of improving and expanding capabilities as well as enhancing profitability.

International Agencies
Regional Agencies
Local Agencies
Survey Support Service Providers (incl. Panels)