Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd

Viotech provides business services to international SMEs to enter China or to expand in the market. Viotech analyzes market and competition, acts as your contact point in China, looks for local dealers, updates the market and reviews the performance of your partners. We also team up with other consulting firms to implement China projects. We strive to make things simple.

Service Range

  • Qualitative primary research.
  • Secondary research.
  • Standalone piecemeal support research services.
  • Non research B2B services.
Minimum Service for Primary Research

  • Qual: recruitment.

Including any preceding tasks leading up to this service level.

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Market Studies

  • Market entry studies for China.
  • Competitor profiling.
  • User analysis.
  • Industry dynamics
  • Partner Reviews.

For business services, we generally provide the services above but we also conduct studies specifically to meet clients’ needs.

Business Services

  • Step stone to China – a contact point at the initial market entry stage.
  • Supplier/Dealer Watch – evaluating performance to comply with the client’s standard.
  • IPR Protection.
  • Assistance services – support clients to attend trade shows.
  • Act as a sales representative for China.
  • Support in purchasing from China.
Qualitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • Methodology development.
  • Guide and screener development.
  • Summary reporting.
  • Full reporting.
  • Presenting results.
Operational Capabilities

  • Recruitment with incentives.
  • Moderating.
  • Translation of guide and screener.
  • Venue, hospitality and equipment.*
  • Simultaneous translation to English.*
  • English transcripts.

* Outsourced.

Data Collection Methods

  • Work place indepth interviews.
  • Home based indepth interviews.
  • Telephone indepth interviews.

  • Retailers.
  • B2B services.
  • Distributors, wholesalers and importers.
  • Finished product manufacturers.
  • Semi-finished product (component) manufacturers.
  • Raw material producers.
  • Industry experts, professionals, specialists, industry observers.
  • Government officials.
Secondary Research Methods

  • Online.
  • Offline.
Direct Field Resources

  • China.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Japan.
  • Macao
  • South Korea.
  • Taiwan.
Standalone Piecemeal Research Services

  • Translation of field documents and responses to open ended questions.
  • Programming and (if relevant) hosting questionnaire.
  • Data tabulations.
  • Advanced statistical analyses.
  • Summary reporting.
  • Full reporting.

  • Translation of DG and screener.
  • English transcripts.
  • Summary reporting.
  • Full reporting.
  • Presenting survey findings.
Excluded Industry Sectors

  • Agriculture.
  • Automotive.
  • B2B Services (e.g. consulting, legal services, advertising, media, PR etc.).
  • Construction/real estate.
  • Education.
  • Electronics.
  • Entertainment (including sports).
  • Healthcare (incl. medical services and pharmaceuticals).
  • Petrol, oil, gas, petrochemicals.
  • Industrial raw materials (other than oil, gas and petrochemicals).
  • Utilities (power, water etc.).
Other B2B Services

  • Management consulting.
  • Merchandising.
  • Business strategy consulting.

Summary Info

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