Jaydeep Vayeda

I have been in the research industry for 9+ years. I have extensively worked on all key aspects of research and have an in depth understanding of aspects like research design, recommending methodologies, defining sample plan, developing screeners, designing discussion guides questionnaires, recruitment, moderation, data quality, data analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and report writing.

Service Range

  • Qualitative primary research.
  • Supporting piecemeal qual research services.
Minimum Service for Primary Research

  • Qual: moderating.

Including any preceding tasks leading up to this service level.

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My primary expertise is in healthcare domain from an industrial perspective. Services include qualitative market research and usability studies. Screener development, discussion guide development, methodology recommendation, moderation and report writing are my core competencies. In addition to that I offer some key services on all projects where I moderate. These services are included in moderation costs. To ensure that project is a success I consult clients on screeners and discussion guide (already developed by client). While recruitment is going on, I assist in quality checking the recruitment quality by reviewing the screener data of each respondent and advising on any changes required. In addition to that, I also offer support in QC of transcripts (if client is getting them done from someone else). Last but not he least, although I work as freelance consultant I can assist clients with other research needs from recruitment, honorarium processing, venue booking, live streaming, transcription. All of these are carried out by my partners. Please note that I do not take recruitment only study.

Qualitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • Survey architecture framing.
  • Guide and screener development.
  • Summary reporting in writing.
  • Full reporting in writing.
  • Reporting by means of an in-person executive presentation.
Operational Capabilities

  • Recruitment with incentives.*
  • Moderating.
  • Translation of guide and screener.*
  • Venue, hospitality and equipment.*
  • Simultaneous translation to English.*
  • English transcripts.*

* Outsourced.

Data Collection Methods

  • Venue based focus group discussions.
  • Online focus group discussions.
  • Venue based indepth interviews.
  • Work place indepth interviews.
  • Home based indepth interviews.
  • Online indepth interviews.
  • Telephone indepth interviews.
  • Online bulletin boards.
  • Home based observations (e.g. ethnographic studies).

  • Consumers.
  • B2B services.
  • Distributors, wholesalers and importers.
  • Finished product manufacturers.
  • Semi-finished product (component) manufacturers.
  • Raw material producers.
  • Industry experts, professionals, specialists, industry observers.
  • Government officials.
Direct Field Resources

  • India.
Excluded Industry Sectors

  • None.
Standalone Piecemeal Research Services

  • Web streaming.
  • Summary reporting in writing.
  • Full reporting in writing.
  • Reporting by means of an in-person executive presentation

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