• Jaydeep Vayeda
    • Jaydeep Vayeda
    • Jaydeep Vayeda

    • I have been in the research industry for 9+ years. I have extensively worked on all key aspects of research and have an in depth understanding of aspects like research design, recommending methodologies, defining sample plan, developing screeners, designing discussion guides questionnaires, recruitment, moderation, data quality, data analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and report writing.
  • Saurabh Daga
    • Saurabh Daga
    • Saurabh Daga

    • This freelancer is based in India and offers a full range of market research service, which include - other than India - selected countries in the APAC region.
  • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd
    • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd
    • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd

    • Viotech provides business services to international SMEs to enter China or to expand in the market. Viotech analyzes market and competition, acts as your contact point in China, looks for local dealers, updates the market and reviews the performance of your partners. We also team up with other consulting firms to implement China projects. We strive to make things simple.