• Mango Research & Consultancy
    • Mango Research & Consultancy
    • Mango Research & Consultancy

    • We are global research company based in Seoul. As one of the most advanced online research companies in South Korea, we specialize in delivering market research data, using our online panel survey system. Along with online research service, we also undertake qualitative research projects and have a facility for FGD, CLT and Gang survey.
  • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC
    • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC
    • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC

    • Strategic Research Initiatives is a full service market research agency based in suburban Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in automotive advanced product tests and customer experience studies for most of the major automotive and heavy truck manufacturers. We have conducted automotive research in over 25 countries. We also do branding research for international actors, presenters, singers and athletes as well as companies. SRI also does business-to-business research within a variety of industries, particularly for new product launch or expansion, including one-on-one interviews and focus groups.
  • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd
    • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd
    • Tianjin Viotech Co Ltd

    • Viotech provides business services to international SMEs to enter China or to expand in the market. Viotech analyzes market and competition, acts as your contact point in China, looks for local dealers, updates the market and reviews the performance of your partners. We also team up with other consulting firms to implement China projects. We strive to make things simple.