• Global Data Collection Company (GDCC)
    • Global Data Collection Company (GDCC)
    • Global Data Collection Company (GDCC)

    • From our GDCC sites we cover the world with our own native language speaking interviewing teams. All our locations use the same CATI platform and work with unified state of the art dialers.GDCC - based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands - offers high-level, quality driven CATI services, across both consumer and business sectors, and has wide experience across many industries. We believe however that it is our dedication to quality interviewing and the `nuts and bolts` of CATI work that has led to our success, rather than a rigid focus on individual industries.
  • Misteli International Research
    • Misteli International Research
    • Misteli International Research

    • Experienced independent qualitative research consultant. Misteli International Research has no 9 to 5 mentality and is used to work at flexible hours. Contact is also possible during evening hours, which makes communication easy with companies based in countries that are situated in other time zones.
  • Savelsberg Research
    • Savelsberg Research
    • Savelsberg Research

    • Savelsberg Research is owned by Dutch native Henrique Savelsberg. Henrique has 20+ years experience in developing and managing international market research projects. Both B-to-B and B-to-C. Savelsberg Research covers many industry sectors but specifically FMCG, beverages, packaging, air transport/travel and industrial research, such as rubber, plastics, paper/print. Henrique works with a team of highly-qualified senior quantitative and qualitative researchers across the globe. Specific focus and research partners for Europe, (South-East) Asia and Japan. Henrique moderates in Dutch and English language.
  • Team Vier B.V.
    • Team Vier B.V.
    • Team Vier B.V.

    • Why select Team Vier? Because of our coffee, team spirit, mentality and rational approach? Excellent. But also welcome are clients who simply want an outstanding market research service without frills when it comes to consulting , expertise, taking ownership and thoroughly understanding the issue at hand. We are of course proud of the fact that our clients value our service with a score of 8.1!