• AdCheck
    • AdCheck
    • AdCheck

    • Principally the survey is quantitative, but with a useful qualitative supplement to illustrate key findings and to bring them to life. AdCheck draws respondents from panels in accordance with the target audience you specify. Respondents view or hear your advertising and record their reactions verbally while watching or listening to your concept in free-flow mode and/or with specific instructions to test particular elements of the communication.The respondents make use of an application that records both their spontaneous commentary (audio) and screen movements (video). Subsequently they complete an online questionnaire to rate key attributes of your advertisement. These scores culminate in an overall assessment rating, automatically bench-marked against that of other users of the AdCheck. Reporting is online in real time with a selection of audio/video recordings provided after closure of all the completes to illustrate key issues with your advertisement.
  • StoreCheck
    • StoreCheck
    • StoreCheck

    • The StoreCheck records observable data in stores and shops, such as:In-stock distribution.Number of facings (measured in shelf edge lengths or by pack size).Location of display (e.g. end of aisle, mid-aisle, dump-bins, near checkout etc.).Merchandising evaluation: conformity to planograms.Retail prices.Presence of point of sale material.Presence of promotions (e.g. money-off, buy 3 get 1 free, strap-on free samples etc.).  
  • WebCheck
    • WebCheck
    • WebCheck

    • WebCheck draws respondents from panels in accordance with the target audience you specify. Respondents visit your website and record their reactions verbally while navigating through your website either in free-flow mode and/or with specific instructions to test particular elements of the site. The respondents make use of an application that records both their spontaneous commentary (audio) and screen movements (video). Subsequently they complete an online questionnaire to rate key attributes of your website. These scores culminate in an overall assessment rating, automatically benchmarked against that of other users of the WebCheck.Reporting is online in real time with a selection of audio/video recordings provided after closure of all the completes to illustrate key issues with your website.