• ARP Global Panel Profile
    • ARP Global Panel Profile
    • ARP Global Panel Profile

    • Asia Research Partners is a full service market research firm offering the full spectrum of market research services in India, Asia or Middle East from quantitative online research, CATI research, face to face interviews, to qualitative depth interviews, mystery shopping, ethnographic interviews and focus group discussions. We offer comprehensive fieldwork solutions for market research/consulting companies and corporate clients in need of data collection and business process outsourcing in India or Asia, Middle East, North America and Europe.
  • e-Tabs Limited
    • e-Tabs Limited
    • e-Tabs Limited

    • Data visualization - automated reporting - interactive dashboards - powerpoint charting. E-Tabs has been providing cutting-edge data visualization and reporting solutions to the market research industry for over 20 years. We help businesses all over the globe boost their productivity by making the process of producing their reports and visualizations quick, simple and cost-effective.
  • FreeBird – Jan Stuffers
    • FreeBird – Jan Stuffers
    • FreeBird – Jan Stuffers

    • A seasoned multi-lingual market research professional with 44 years’ experience in agency management, service, business and customer relations development. Adept at both quantitative and qualitative primary research. Extensive experience in lead generation, survey designing, project negotiations, developing and scripting questionnaires, data analysis, CRM and VoIP calling systems. Good understanding of cultural sensitivities thanks to working experience in mainland Europe, the United Kingdom, North Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific region.
  • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC
    • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC
    • Strategic Research Initiatives LLC

    • Strategic Research Initiatives is a full service market research agency based in suburban Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in automotive advanced product tests and customer experience studies for most of the major automotive and heavy truck manufacturers. We have conducted automotive research in over 25 countries. We also do branding research for international actors, presenters, singers and athletes as well as companies. SRI also does business-to-business research within a variety of industries, particularly for new product launch or expansion, including one-on-one interviews and focus groups.