• Mathias Miklaw Market Research
    • Mathias Miklaw Market Research
    • Mathias Miklaw Market Research

    • Mathias Miklaw – Medical Market Research Mathias Miklaw - is a physician and has been offering project-based services in market research since 1995. The main emphasis is on healthcare and pharmaceuticals, but Mathias Miklaw also works in other industry sectors. Clients are mainly market research institutes, public relation agencies, and business consultancies, which are looking for a competent and reliable partner in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Mathias Miklaw has extended experience in multinational projects and supports you in the successful execution of such projects in the mentioned countries. Through the double qualification as physician coupled with experience in international marketing consultancy, Mathias Miklaw provides you marketing adapted medical competence.
  • Savelsberg Research
    • Savelsberg Research
    • Savelsberg Research

    • Savelsberg Research is owned by Dutch native Henrique Savelsberg. Henrique has 20+ years experience in developing and managing international market research projects. Both B-to-B and B-to-C. Savelsberg Research covers many industry sectors but specifically FMCG, beverages, packaging, air transport/travel and industrial research, such as rubber, plastics, paper/print. Henrique works with a team of highly-qualified senior quantitative and qualitative researchers across the globe. Specific focus and research partners for Europe, (South-East) Asia and Japan. Henrique moderates in Dutch and English language.