
No matter how complex your fieldwork requirements are, we will identify the right partner to support you with your surveys in terms of resources, expertise, tools and experience.  We shortlist candidates filtered on your needs and invite them to submit their bid.  You then simply select the one you feel is the more suitable and competitive.
Please note that WRA does not operate its own field resources and purely relies on its network to provide this instead. Since subscribers are not allowed to subcontract, clients will always deal with the fieldwork providers at source and can do so directly.

If your prefer to search for WRA platform subscribers to support you with a survey, please click on this link here.

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Quantitative Research

  • Computer or web-aided telephone interviewing.
  • Computer or web-aided personal interviewing.
  • Computer aided web interviewing (offline-recruit-to-online-complete or panel).
  • Face-to-face personal interviewing using paper questionnaires and pencil.
  • Mystery shopping/calling/mailing.
  • Home usage tests.
  • Central location tests.
Qualitative Research

  • Focus group discussions (on- and offline).
  • In-depth interviews (on- and offline).
  • User accompaniment.
  • Ethnographic studies.
  • Bulletin boards/blogs.


To review our quality control measures, simply click here.