Vikon Consulting Group Ltd.

Vikon Consulting Group is a duly registered consulting firm operating from Nairobi, Kenya and with access to the larger East Africa Partner Member States.

Service Range

  • Quantitative primary research.
  • Qualitative primary research.
  • Secondary research.
Minimum Service for Primary Research

  • Quant: full report.
  • Qual: full report.

Including any preceding tasks leading up to this service level.

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Item ID: KEN06WRA Category: Tags: ,


Profile Summary

We provide a wide range of research and consultancy services in the areas of Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Customer Confidence Survey, Employee Satisfaction Surveys, Work Environment Surveys, Corruption Perception Surveys, Development and Review of Strategic Plan, Organizational Strategic Management and Planning, Organizational Design, Preparation for ISO Certification, Business Development, Transformational and Sustainable development, Training and Facilitation, Organizational and Product Rebranding, Product Launch, Human Resources Audit, Job Evaluations Surveys, Salary Remuneration, Competency Baseline Surveys, IT Automation Surveys, HIV&AIDS, Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Disability Surveys, Gender Audits, Corporate Governance, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Surveys, Team Building, Gender Mainstreaming, Corporate Governance, Socio-economic Studies, Information Communication Technology, Environmental Audits, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Resettlement Action Plans among others.

The firm draws its staff from a pool of highly qualified professionals. Our team is made up of well-versed and knowledgeable experts who have worked across diverse fields and professions over the years. The firm has an excellent and successful reputation of executing assignments with tact and integrity while ensuring that quality is not compromised; all done at affordable and competitive rates to our clients.

Vikon Consulting Group is committed to fulfilling its customers’ needs through customized approach aimed at building relationships and delivering the best services possible to the client.

Quantitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • Survey (methodology) designing.
  • Questionnaire designing.
  • Sample plan development.
  • Summary reporting in writing.
  • Full reporting in writing.
Operational Capabilities

  • Fieldwork with or without data entry.
  • Translation of field documents/responses to open ended questions.
  • Coding of responses to open ended questions.
  • Raw data file preparation.
  • Data tabulations.
  • Advanced statistical analyses.
Data Collection Methods

  • Paper aided personal interviewing (PAPI).
  • Computer aided personal interviewing (CAPI).
  • Central location test using PAPI or CAPI.
  • Mystery shopping – physical visits.
  • Mystery shopping – telephone calling.
  • Mystery shopping – emailing.
  • Mystery shopping – website visits.
  • Multi session surveys (e.g. diaries, HUTs).

Qualitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • Survey (methodology) designing.
  • Full reporting in writing.
Operational Capabilities

  • Recruitment with incentives.
  • Moderating.
  • Translation of guide and screener.
Data Collection Methods

  • Venue based focus group discussions.
  • Online focus group discussions.

  • Consumers.
  • Retailers.
  • Distributors, wholesalers and importers.
  • Government officials.
Secondary Research Methods

  • Online.
  • Offline.
Direct Field Resources

  • Kenya.
  • Rwanda.
  • Tanzania.
  • Uganda.
Standalone Piecemeal Research Services

  • Translation of field documents and responses to open ended questions.
  • Data tabulations.
  • Advanced statistical analyses.
  • Full reporting in writing.

  • English transcripts.
  • Full reporting in writing.
Industry Sectors

  • No specialisations.
Industry Exclusions

  • None.

Summary Info

Member type:

Geographical coverage:


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Resident operations:

Service types:

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Year founded:

Joined WRA in:

Full time staff in listed country:

Fieldwork tools:

In-house resident facilities (this listing):