Arya Market Research Pvt. Ltd

Arya Market Research Pvt. Ltd. is India’s leading independent market research consultancy, established in the year 2006 and provides market research field services in all major sectors.

Service Range

  • Quantitative primary research.
  • Qualitative primary research.
  • Secondary research.
Minimum Service for Primary Research

  • Quant: fieldwork with (if relevant) data entry.
  • Qual: recruitment.

Including any preceding tasks leading up to this service level.

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Arya Market Research Pvt Ltd. is India’s leading independent market research company established in the year 2006. We have expertise in all types of data collection, data verification, data entry, data charting, in all major industries, We are headquartered in Ahmedabad with a pan-India and global network.

At Arya Market Research we strongly believe in quality. We understand the importance of research in strategic decisions of companies. Our extensive experience in the research & dedicated service support of industry professionals allow us to consistently deliver highly accurate results as per client’s expectations. We provide cost effective services to our client with high accuracy. We have wide varieties of services and customized solution processes to solve specific problems and give a competitive advantage to our clients.

Quantitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • None.
Operational Capabilities

  • Fieldwork with or without data entry.
  • Translation of field dox/OE responses.*
  • Questionnaire/DE programming on – or offline.*

* Outsourced.

Data Collection Methods

  • Paper aided personal interviewing (PAPI).
  • Computer aided personal interviewing (CAPI).
  • Central location test using PAPI or CAPI.
  • Computer aided telephone interviewing (CATI).
  • Mystery shopping – physical visits.
  • Multi session surveys (e.g. diaries, HUTs).
  • Retail audits.
  • Retail observations.
  • Shop tests.
  • Retail census.

Qualitative Research

In-house Consulting Capabilities

  • None.
Operational Capabilities

  • Recruitment with incentives.
  • Moderating.*
  • Translation of guide and screener.*
  • Venue, hospitality and equipment.*
  • Simultaneous translation to English.*
  • English transcripts.*

* Outsourced.

Data Collection Methods

  • Venue based focus group discussions.
  • Venue based indepth interviews.
  • Work place indepth interviews.
  • Home based indepth interviews.
  • Telephone indepth interviews.
  • Home based observations (e.g. ethnographic studies).
  • Retail based observations (e.g. shopping accompaniment).

  • Consumers.
  • Retailers.
  • B2B services.
  • Distributors, wholesalers and importers.
  • Finished product manufacturers.
  • Semi-finished product (component) manufacturers.
  • Raw material producers.
  • Industry experts, professionals, specialists, industry observers.
  • Government officials.
Secondary Research Methods

  • Online.
  • Offline.
Direct Field Resources

  • India.
Excluded Industry Sectors

  • None.

Summary Info

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, ,

Year founded:

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