Maple Voice
Maple Voice Market Research is a full service market research agency, established in 2017 and operating in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.
- Quantitative primary research.
- Qualitative primary research.
- Quant: fieldwork.
- Qual: recruitment.
Including any preceding tasks leading up to this service level.
Profile Summary
Vidyanand Kumar – Operational Director, Analyst and Founder of the institute – and with extensive experience in market research, started in 1999. Vidyanand has a MBA in Social Communication – Advertising and Marketing and worked with large agencies such as: IBOPE, Ipsos and GFK. In his illustrious career in market research he has held various positions: interviewer, supervisor, project coordinator, manager and analyst; with extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative projects using a range of methodologies.
In 2017, Vidyanand established Maple Voice Market Research where he carries the responsibilities of Operational Director and Analyst managing client service, company operations and analysis.
Quantitative Research
- Questionnaire designing.
- Sample plan development.
- Summary reporting in writing.
- Full reporting in writing.
- Fieldwork with or without data entry.
- Translation of field documents/responses to open ended questions.
- Programming/hosting (online) questionnaire.
- Coding of responses to open ended questions.
- Online reporting/tracking.
- Raw data file preparation.
- Data tabulations.
- Advanced statistical analyses.
- Paper aided personal interviewing (PAPI).
- Computer aided personal interviewing (CAPI).
- Central location test using CAPI.
- Computer aided web interviewing (respondents self-complete) – CAWI.
- Computer aided telephone interviewing – CATI/WATI.
- Mystery shopping.
- Retail observations.
- Retail census surveys.
Qualitative Research
- Survey (methodology) designing.
- Guide and screener development.
- Summary reporting.
- Full reporting.
- Presenting findings.
- Recruitment with incentives.
- Translation of guide and screener.
- Moderating.
- Venue, hospitality and equipment.
- Simultaneous translation.
- English transcripts.
- Venue based focus group discussions.
- Online focus group discussions.
- Venue based in-depth interviews.
- Work based in-depth interviews.
- Online in-depth interviews.
- Telephone in-depth interviews.
- Retail based observations (shop accompaniment).
- Consumers.
- Retailers.
- B2B services.
- Finished product manufacturers.
- Semi-finished product (component) manufacturers.
- Raw material producers.
- Industry experts, professionals, specialists, industry observers.
- Government officials.
- India.
- Bangladesh.
- Nepal.
- None.
- None.
Summary Info
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Joined WRA in: | |
Full time staff in listed country: | |
In-house resident facilities (this listing): |